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Build Your First Angular app

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The course creator Dan Wahlin

with Dan Wahlin

Course level: Intermediate

This massive tutorial teaches you Angular through 33 screencasts. It's taught by well-known Angular expert Dan Wahlin, who'll ensure that you get the foundation you need in order to start buidling apps with Angular.

What's inside

This course contains 35 interactive scrims

two girls
Build Your First Angular app

35 lessons3 hours 7 min

1. Course Overview
2. Application Overview
3. Frontend Career Path
4. Angular CLI
5. Angular Project Files Overview
6. The Big Picture
7. Overview - Angular Components & Modules
8. App Component - Angular Components & Modules
9. App Module - Angular Components & Modules
10. The Customers Component - Angular Components & Modules
11. Customers List Component - Angular Components & Modules
12. Filter Textbox Component - Angular Components & Modules
13. Shared Module and Interfaces - Angular Components & Modules
14. Overview - Data Binding in Angular
15. Getting Started - Data Binding in Angular
16. Directives and Interpolation - Data Binding in Angular
17. Event Binding - Data Binding in Angular
18. Input Properties - Data Binding in Angular
19. Working with Pipes - Data Binding in Angular
20. Adding Filtering - Data Binding in Angular
21. Angular Services and Http - Services Overview
22. Angular Services and Http - Creating and Providing a Service
23. Angular Services and Http - Calling the Server with HttpClient
24. Angular Services and Http - Injecting a Service into a Component
25. Angular Services and Http - Subscribing to an Observable
26. Angular Services and Http - Using a SorterService
27. Angular Routing - Routing Overview
28. Angular Routing - Creating a Routing Module with Routes
29. Angular Routing - Using Router Outlet
30. Angular Routing - Adding a Customers Routing Module and Routes
31. Angular Routing - Adding an Orders Component with Routes
32. Angular Routing - Accessing Route Parameters
33. Angular Routing - Linking to Routes with the routerLink Directive
34. Course Summary
35. Congratulations on Completing Build Your First Angular App 🎉

You'll learn

Anglular CLI



Creating Lists

Shared modules


Data binding



Event binding

Input properties


Angular services & HTTP




Before taking this course, you should have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Here’s our suggested resources to get you up to speed.

Meet your teacher

The course creator

Dan Wahlin

Dan is a Google Developer Expert who’s provided training, architecture, and development services for some of the biggest corporations in the industry and created some of the most popular training courses on Udemy and Pluralsight. He’s also a regular speaker at developer conferences around the world.

Follow me on twitter

Why this course rocks

By learning Angular you'll greatly increase your chances of getting a job as a front-end developer! So in this course, the well-known Angular expert Dan Wahlin will teach you the framework through building a real-world application.

The course is split into several sections. In the introduction, you'll learn about the app you'll be building and the concepts you'll learn. Next up, you'll learn about components and modules, before we continue on with data binding. Then you'll learn about services and http and finally routing.

Throughout the course you'll be building an app which displays customer orders. Wahlin has chosen this project carefully, as it'll teach you all the core concepts behind Angular. So be prepared for 36 value-packed screencasts.

About the instructor:

Dan Wahlin has developed applications and provided architecture guidance and training to some of the largest (and smallest) companies in the world. He's also the man behind multiple successful courses on Udemy and Pluralsight, the co-author of several books and writer of technical docs for companies such as Microsoft, Google and others.

You can follow Dan Wahlin on Twitter here.

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F to the A oracle to the Q
How long will it take to learn Angular?

It depends on what you mean by learning Angular. To someone who has learnt Angular: a person capable of building and deploying a production-ready Angular application in a reasonable timeframe. The short answer is it will probably take between 6 to 12 months.

Is Angular easy to learn?

Coming to it is easy and difficult. If you have good knowledge of JavaScript, CSS and HTML, Angular is easy to learn. If you start learning and decide to jump straight into Angular, it would be very difficult. The good thing is you do not need any background knowledge of Angular JS to learn the all-new Angular.

What is required to learn Angular?

HTML, CSS and JavaScript basics. Knowing a bit of TypeScript is highly beneficial.

What is the difference between Angular and AngularJS?

AngularJS – or as some may prefer: Angular 1 – was created in 2009. It brings us two‑way data binding and lets us see data changes in JavaScript automatically shown on the UI. Just Angular are subsequent versions from 2 onwards. These use TypeScript as their main language. There are many more differences, especially comparing to Angular 7.